Based on the article by Stephanie Moss.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
How to find the best home your money can buy?
Based on the article by Stephanie Moss.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wellesly Residences (WR) Contruction Status as at 23/12/11
OVR Construction Status as at 23/12/11
Finally, images from the top of the building - the Sky Garden.
The view is breathtaking as well.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Improving the Real Estate Value of Your Home
Selling your home is a bittersweet affair. While you may be excited about moving to a new residence, your current abode has served as a place where many nice memories were made. You look back fondly on the days you threw parties, witnessed small children engage in food fights and a host of other events.
Over time you may have slackened off in maintaining your home, while Mother Nature subjected it to many harsh weathers. Physically, your home has changed and so has its real estate value. Now that you plan on selling it, it's time to spruce it up in order to attract a buyer as well as allow you to command a good price.
Here are several suggestions you can follow:
• Inspect each room for cracks, leaks and similar defects. Their severity will impact your home's real estate value, so document everything that you see on a notepad.
• Write down a solution for each defect. Does it need just a quick coat of paint? Is new plumbing the only answer? You won't be able to justify a high price tag if your home's defects require lots of professional intervention.
• Do minor repairs you can easily handle. If you have tools available at home, you should have no trouble performing repairs that don't require a professional's attention. Some examples are fixing leaky faucets, replacing light bulbs, and repainting your child's bubble gum pink bedroom wall into a neutral shade that's easier on the eyes, like beige or pale yellow. These little changes can still do wonders for real estate value.
• Organize your daily living staples into one or two cabinets. Then, keep the rest of the closets and cabinets in your home empty for potential buyers to inspect. When trying to sell your home, expect prospects to snoop around a bit to see how organized and well-maintained the house is. Chances are they will check every nook and cranny, down to the hinges. Giving them empty cabinets and closets to inspect will allow them to see the quality of your home while imagining how their own things would look stored inside them.
• Keep your refrigerator clean and presentable. You wouldn't want a prospect to catch a whiff of week-old Chinese takeaway or that unsealed tub of Caesar salad dressing sitting in your fridge as you open the door to proffer him a soda. There are people who judge others based on the cleanliness and contents of this particular appliance. Never give them the impression that you're a slacker.
Based on the article by Arvin Cubil Mejillano
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Things to look for in a Profitable Rental Property
Are you planning to diversify your assets by taking advantage of the current dip in the prices of real estate properties? While rental property ownership is by no means a passive investment, it can actually provide you with an additional source of income but also profitable tax benefits. However, buying a property that you can rent out is the tricky part. A small mistake in this important stage might make you end up paying more than you initially intended. Here are a few tips that can help you make a sound buying decision.
The first step to investing in a rental property is to make sure that the property you bought can help you withstand fluctuations in its value. Whether you are working solo or with a real estate agent, you have to understand what the value price of a property constitutes. While you can try making low-ball offers until you finally get the deal you want, the best way to find great bargains is to act quickly once a potential target is in sight. To get a feel for the demand, you can also try to benchmark the rental price of comparable properties in the area.
In most communities, rental properties are usually treated as businesses rather than areas of residence. Usually, towns calculate occupancy by measuring the square footage of the unit so properties you consider four-bedroom homes may turn out to be only a two-bedroom home when rented. If you were asked to renovate the property you purchased, you should also remember that township-enforced renovations could be quite expensive. It is best to make sure that the property you purchased is in accordance with rental regulations in your area before trying to earn any income from it.
When investing in rental properties, you should also remember that it is more practical to buy those that are located near your primary residence. Absentee landlords usually resolve maintenance problems less quickly so they end up paying for bigger expenses. Even municipalities are not too fond of landlords who do not live close to properties they rent out so they usually face high fines and citations. It is best to buy a property that is no more than twenty minutes away from your primary residence so that you can remain available to local officials and tenants at all times.
The size of your property will greatly affect the rates of your tax so buying a land that is bigger than an acre is not really a wise move. Aside from the extra taxes it will cost you, you will also need to worry about bigger expenses when it comes to keeping it well maintained. Unless you are planning to build another rentable structure on the lot of your property, investing in a huge rental property will not be in your best interests. Remember, the value of rental homes is not directly proportional to its size in square footage.
These are only some of the most important things that you should keep in mind when buying a rental property. Once you have found a property that meets the aforementioned criteria, you can be sure that you will be earning lots of money from it for many years to come.
Based on the article by Shawn M Mac Gavin